doctor ian kupkee holding his dachshund dog grendel


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New Year's Resolutions - Part 1

As the New Year begins, many of us start to think about our New Year’s Resolutions.  This month we will talk about some simple, reasonable ways 

to make 2014 a better year for our pets.

Improve Their Diets

This is one of the most common resolutions people make, and with good reason.  A healthy diet is essential for living a full and active life. Generally speaking, quality pet diets are not sold in grocery stores.  

Switch to a diet with limited, quality ingredients and avoid foods containing corn, soy, wheat or by-products.  Transition to the new diet gradually, mixing the old and new foods over a period of several days to avoid any gastric upset.  

Break the habit of feeding “people food”, and ditch those calorically dense treats.  Treats should only be given as an earned reward, and even then, only in very small morsels.

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