By Guest on Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Category: Blog

It's Getting Hot Out There!

It’s Getting Hot out There!

While the rest of the country begins to thaw, Spring in South Florida is beginning to sizzle. While the animal care community invests copious resources warning pet parents about the dangers of heat, veterinarians still see a surprising number of heat related injuries and emergencies.

As temperatures begin to climb, pet parents need to take special care not to forget about pets that are in their cars. A startling number of American pets still die in locked cars during the summer months. Even on an overcast day, temperatures inside a locked car can reach lethal levels very quickly. Animal care activists have suggested that pet parents tie a ribbon around the door handle or steering wheel of their vehicles every time they have their pets in the car. In theory, this should serve as a reminder of a pet’s presence.

The following is a video made by a colleague named Dr. Ernie Ward. To raise awareness of heat related pet deaths, Dr. Ward sat in a hot car with the windows slightly open and documented his own response. It is everyone’s hope that his efforts will help pet parents to pay more attention to the fur babies in the back seat.

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