By Guest on Wednesday, 06 March 2013
Category: Blog

Is My Pet Overweight? (Part 8 of 13)

Round Hound?  Curvy Kitty?  Click here for tips on peeling off the pounds! (Continued)
7) Trading the Treats
Since many pet parents cringe at the thought of cutting treats out of their pet' diet completely, focus on trading them rather than trashing them.  Start by replacing commercial pet treats with healthy alternatives like fruit (never grapes or raisins), vegetables or rice cakes.  A large, plain rice cake consists of only ten calories.  By comparison, one Good Life Recipe Wholesome Mini Bone contains 62 calories.  When fed to a 10 pound dog, it's like a human eating THREE Hershey's Chocolate Bars!  Give that same dog a Snausage, and it's the same as us eating a McDonald's hamburger.  Many of my patients get several of these treats every single day.  Imagine how miserably unhealthy we would be if we ate four McDonald's hamburgers every day.  If you must give treats, use something natural and healthy as an alternative.

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