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Holiday Hazards Part 3 - Fatty or Toxic Foods

Holiday Hazards - Fatty or Toxic Foods

While many of us grew up giving bones and scraps to dogs, these are actually very dangerous for our pets.  Fatty foods can cause a serious medical condition called pancreatitis.  Bones cause problems for pets by impacting in the intestines or perforating them.  Secure trash that has been in contact with food.  Tinfoil, twine, and grease-soaked paper towels are just a few of the holiday mishaps that routinely darken our door.

Many common holiday goodies are toxic to pets.  The  two main culprits are nuts and chocolate. While some nuts, such as peanuts, do not contain toxins, they are difficult to digest, and can lodge in the intestines of smaller pets.  Dark chocolate, particularly baking chocolate, is especially dangerous, and can cause seizures and death.

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