By Guest on Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Category: Blog

Holiday Hazards (Part 1 of 2)

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is very easy to overlook some of the hidden dangers to our pets.  For the next four weeks we will review some of the most common hazards that can potentially spoil the most wonderful time of the year.

While not toxic, tinsel is very appealing to pets, especially cats.  If swallowed, it can wrap around the intestines, causing a life threatening injury.  The same is true of decorative ribbons and bows.  If you see your pet trying to pass tinsel or ribbon during the course of a “nature break”,  DO NOT pull it out, as this can cause further complications.  Seek veterinary care immediately.

2) Lights and Candles

Shiny, dangly lights are lots of fun for our pets, but carry risks of choking, burns, and electrocution.  Teach pets that the Christmas tree and lights are off limits, and spray cords with a foul tasting product such as Bitter Yuck to reinforce the message.  Place burning candles where pets cannot be burned by them or knock them over.

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