doctor ian kupkee holding his dachshund dog grendel


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It's Pet First Aid Awareness Month!

April is the American Red Cross's Pet First Aid Awareness Month! While it's always important to seek proper veterinary care for a pet in distress, it helps to have a few essentials on hand in case of an emergency.
Your pet's first aid kit should include hydrogen peroxide, and a syringe (without a needle) for the induction of vomiting. If you suspect your pet has ingested a toxin, call your vet, or veterinary emergency clinic and ask if it is safe to do this. Depending o


n the toxin, inducing vomiting can do more harm than good, so be sure to get the green light from a professional first. Sterile eye wash, bandaging supplies and tweezers are a must. The same goes for iodine based disinfectant. Never clean a wound with hydrogen peroxide, as it can slow the healing process and lead to scars.
Be sure to include a leash or carrier for transport to the vet. Since frightened pets are more likely to bite, include a basket muzzle for dogs and a pillowcase for cats. Most importantly, stay calm. Avoiding panic in a stressful situation is the key to saving valuable time in an emergency.

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